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Required documentation for carbon credits
Updated over 3 weeks ago

All carbon credit transactions must have an attestation form signed by the provider/broker. This attestation form serves as a proof of purchase and retirement, and provides information needed to confirm that the credits meet the requirements of the Certification Standard.

Download a carbon credit attestation form template here

Project Name

The official name of the credit project

# of Credits Purchased

In tonnes

Vintage Year

The year a credit was issued

Project Type

E.g. renewable energy,
cookstoves, or avoided deforestation, etc

Verification Standard

VCS, Gold Standard, ACR, CAR, or EU Biochar Certificate **

Project ID

Ex. VCS1234. The ID number that links a credit to a verifier’s registry

Price Per Tonne


Credit Provider

Name of the carbon credit seller signing this form

Project Location

The country where the project is based

** VCS = Verified Carbon Standard, ACR = American Carbon Registry, CAR = Climate Action Reserve

In addition (or in the event that an attestation form is unavailable), you may provide the following for all carbon credits that you purchase:

  • Registry report (via hyperlink or screenshot) showing carbon credits retired on your behalf AND a payment receipt showing amount paid per credit


  • Fully executed purchase contract AND payment receipt for credits purchased. A valid purchase contract must indicate either (a) that the certifying entity has completed a purchase of all required carbon credits or (b) has a contractual obligation to complete the purchase of all required credits within 12 months (ie. a payment plan). Installment purchases should be spaced at least quarterly and weighted evenly across the 12 month period. If on a payment plan, an attestation form is also required - see above.

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