10 articles
How to account for emissions from web servers or cloud data warehouses.
My data isn’t broken down by facility. What should I do?
Do I include energy and fuel use from my uncontrolled distribution centers in my workbook?
Why aren't there estimates in my workbooks under the BOMS tab?
Can you estimate manufacturing emissions based on the square footage of the facility and location?
I’m not finding the specific material that I'm looking for. What should I do?
I didn’t aggregate my contract manufacturer’s energy use, and I don’t have this data. What should I do?
Are Contract Research Organizations (CRO) and Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMO) within the boundary of scope 3.1?
We would like to switch to a recycled material but there is no material match in the BEE. What options do we have?
We added new suppliers to our operations but can’t collect energy data from them. How can I use BEE estimates to serve as proxy data for my newly added facilities?