Permissions are different roles you can create and assign to different members of your staff, as well as granting them or restricting their access to different areas within the store depending on that role. Permissions is also the area that allows you to customize the layout of the menu headers and tiles throughout the store, allowing you to match your current workflow.
NOTE: the permission feature is restricted to franchisors, independent business owners, and the BPro support team.
The "Check Mark" indicates that the specific area it's associated with is accessible by that permission level. No "Check Mark" indicates that it is restricted.
You can click on a tile to make it expand in a drop-down menu to define your access level. By clicking and holding the Ellipsis "..." (Red) you can rearrange the order of tabs by simply dragging it either up or down. The arrow on the right side of the menu (Green) indicates a sub-menu that allows you to define your permission further.