The purpose of a work orders report is to give you a full list of all the jobs you have to do, broken down by a time-frame of your choosing.
To find the work orders report, go to the "Reports" tab on the left navigation, then click on Work Orders under the "Services" heading.
Once in the Work Orders report, you will then set filters to what you need to look at/print. The orders that will appear here will be ones that have a Cart with services in it, the Job Status marked as Open, and have a Service Type assigned (either Mobile Unit or Location).ย
The filters will default to just look at today. Change the Date Range to look at a broader set of time.
Then you can filter by additional options as well. Filtering by Product Type, Product Category and Asset Type will filter it so that only the orders that fall into that category will show up.
The more common/daily use would be to filter not only by date range, but then to also filter it by Technician/Employee and see their jobs for the day/week.
There is also an option to print out their jobs for a physical copy. Beside the filter icon is the printing area. Click on it, and see that there are a number of options.
The best options to see key information would be the Delivery Slips (Master/Individual), as it contains key service information when going out into the field.
Printing the Individual list will print each job onto it's own page. This is important for attaching to other work order sheets, or other paperwork items.
Printing the Master list will condense the information to include around 5-6 work orders on one sheet, so that a manager/operations coordinator can see most of the orders at a glance and possibly check them off as the calls come in that the work has been completed.
For specific use cases, please feel free to reach out to our Live Chat team for any follow up questions about how best to use this report for your business.