Duplicate an exisitng Estimate or Job into a new Estimate/Job:
We have the ability for you to duplicate any job or estimate. This is very helpful as often the client may want an estimate reflecting all of the details from their last job. This saves users from having to potentially copy old notes from the past job into a new one. It saves time, clicks, and also ensures consistency.
From within any job or estimate, start by clicking the 3 dots in the top-right of the page. Then, choose to duplicate the order into a new job or a new estimate. Jobs can be duplicated into either new jobs or estimates. Estimates can only be duplicated into new estimates.
2. Once you select to duplicate as either a new estimate or job, all of the items related to it (line items/prices, appointments, notes) will be pre-set to copy onto the new opportunity. You can unselect anything you don't want to copy. Click the final duplicate button to generate the new estimate/job.
After clicking the duplicate button, a new estimate or job will be generated for your customer, which includes all of the details present on the original job. NOTE: All appointment details copy into the new order's appointment, including resource and user assignments. Appointment dates are simply adjusted to the present date, but are editable on the newly generated estimate.