Within a product/service page, you have the option to create a list of recommended products/services related to a line item. When the parent product/service is added to an order, you will see the list of recommended products displayed. These can help guide users to what to recommend or add-on for clients in certain situations.
*If you need the recommended products option turned on, please contact support.
In the product page, use the recommended products section to create a list of items that you would like to have suggested to you when the parent product is added to an order. You can add multiple items to the recommended products list.
You can add multiple items to the recommended products list.
When you add the main product (ex. Gold Package) to an order, you will then see the list of associated recommended products. This can be very helpful to prompt suggested add-ons and up-sells. Simply select any of the recommended products to quickly add them to your order.
The recommended products section will display expanded initially but can be collapsed and expanded at any time. *Recommended products will only show on your order pdfs if they get added to the order.