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Customer Statements
Stephen O'Hara avatar
Written by Stephen O'Hara
Updated this week

If you do commercial work with other companies that pay you for multiple invoices, you will now be able to send them a statement of their unpaid invoices.

Statements within the customer profile pages: You will now see a statement tab within the customer profile page. Within the statement tab, you can select a statement-based invoice template, which will display a statement of the client's complete/unpaid jobs (or complete/paid/but not closed jobs). You can email, download, or print the statement pdf.

Creating a statement invoice template: (Required to display a statement pdf in the staement section) Within the Invoice Builder page, under the Customize menu, you can create a customer statement template.

When creating an invoice template to use for statements, within the invoice options (see image below), toggle the template to be a 'Statement Template'. Then, at the bottom of the invoice builder page, click 'Add Section' and select the 'Invoices' module to add.

Note 1: Statements will not generate for estimates and they will not generate on a single job. Statements can only be generated within the statement tab of the customer's profile page, or within a parent recurring order. Note 2: PayNow buttons will NOT work on statements. Processed card payments are tied to each individual job order.

Statements within Parent Recurring orders: Within parent recurring order templates, you will now see a statements section at the bottom of the recurring order page. If your recurring order has multiple recurring templates under the parent recurring order number, you can generate a statement for specific recurring templates/orders or for ALL completed/unpaid jobs tied to the parent recurring order number.

Send us a chat if you have any questions or need assistance with your customer statements.

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