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How can I cancel my contract with Bunch?
How can I cancel my contract with Bunch?

How can I cancel my contract with The Bunch?

Written by Joanne Sutor
Updated yesterday

We hope that this does not happen as would hate to say goodbye!

Once you have signed your Bunch contract there is a 14 day cooling off period as per your consumer rights.

After your cooling off period ends you are then tied for the duration of your contract, if you move within this time period you can take your services with you (dependant on the infrastructure of your new home)

Please remember that we are not a direct supplier. If the term of your contract is not met as we pay for your services in advance there would be charges associated with cancelling before the minimum duration that was agreed at point of sale.

There is a fee for cancellation, which varies based on the remaining time on your contract. Please contact our customer service team at and they can look at this for you to see what charges there will be if you cancelled.

Our terms and conditions that were agreed when joining Bunch can be found below:

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