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What does kWh mean? What does m3 / ft3 mean?
What does kWh mean? What does m3 / ft3 mean?

What does kWh mean? What does m3 / ft3 mean?

Written by Joanne Sutor
Updated over a week ago

kWh stands for kilowatt-hour, which is the unit of measurement used to measure electricity consumption. Each electrical appliance has a power rating that tells you how much electricity it needs to work, usually given in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW) (1000W = 1kW). The amount of electricity used depends on how long the appliance is on, which is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Gas usage is measured in cubic meters (m3) or cubic feet (ft3), which your supplier will convert to kWh. While it's good to know what these units mean, don't worry too much about them. Just remember to send us your meter readings when required, and we'll take care of everything else with our energy supplier!

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