If you are due a refund, we will process this back to you directly into your back account. To do this, we ask that you add your bank details to the ‘payment details’ section on your customer portal here.
Once your refund process has begun you will receive email confirmation with the refund amount and the expected time it takes for the money to appear in your account. Please note it can take up to 10 working days for the refund to appear in your account and you will receive a confirmation email of this.
Note: Refunds are not refunded back to your payment card in line with our customer policy.
If a credit is applied to your account, this will show on your next invoice. Credits will be deducted from your next bill. If your credit exceeds the amount of your next bill, the rest of the credit will be applied to your following bills until the total amount of the credit has been used. If you are in credit at the end of your contract, this will be refunded back to you in line with the above information on refunds.