We do our best to provide high quality customer care, so if something isn’t right we have a dedicated complaints process and team to support you in resolving your issue.
Get in touch
Contact us via email at hello@the-bunch.co.uk or call us on 0333 358 3377 to speak with a member of the team directly. We aim to do our best and resolve your issue within 5 working days by doing our best to understand the problem, identify a resolution and ensure your issue is resolved.
If you are unhappy with our resolution, you can escalate your case to a formal complaint. Our complaints team will review your case in full and work with you to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. If we are unable to come to an agreement on resolution, we will reach a position of ‘deadlock’. At this stage, we will write to you explaining our view on the case and offer one final resolution. If you decline this offer, you will be sign-posted to the Ombudsman services.
Making a formal complaint to the Ombudsman
While we try our best to resolve your case, you will be sign-posted to the Ombudsman, where you can open an independent case and ask them to take an independent review on your case. We will issue you with a deadlock letter which you can then take to the ombudsman for independent investigation.
Further support
If you require any independent advice service during your time with us, you can contact Citizens Advice at any time on 0808 223 1133.