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Authority Amplifier Sample Script
Authority Amplifier Sample Script
Tiffany DeRossett avatar
Written by Tiffany DeRossett
Updated over a week ago

As created by community member Steve Walther;

1: Congratulations!


You've downloaded this {checkllist/cheatsheet/etc}, and that puts you in a class by yourself... because MOST business owners never even take this step… and over the next few minutes you’re going to get REALLY CLEAR about what it takes to COMPLETELY SOLVE {problem X} once and for all...

YOU are one of the few {avatar}’s to take the time to INVEST in learning what you need to do in order to {goal: grow your business, solve this problem, lose the weight, etc.}.

So where MOST people remain frustrated… and go through different {common things they try}, and never quite get there… You’re going to be able to move right past that and get the ACTUAL results you want, a LOT FASTER than you might think possible right now...

2: Establish Your Authority/Expertise

And the reason I know that is because all I’ve done over the past {X years} is work with {avatar}’s like you to help them achieve {outcome}...

…and the X things I’m going to cover HERE are the exact same things that only the MOST SUCCESSFUL {avatar}’s do, while the rest continue to struggle and fail.

If we haven’t officially met, my name is {your name}, and let me tell you what we’re going to cover here...

3: Set Expectations

I’m going to show you how to {XYZ}, but this is really just one part of a larger path.

So I’m going to show you and WALK YOU THROUGH all the important steps and nuances that you need to know right now… and I’m ALSO going to show you exactly where this falls in the big picture…

Because there’s a greater journey to get from point A to point B, and I’m going to tell you about that as well...

But first, let me walk you through {lead magnet title}...

4: Walk Them Through Your Ultimate Lead Magnet

[Just walk them through your lead magnet checklist/template/blueprint/etc]

5: Widen The Gap

Now as I said earlier, fixing your {XYZ, purpose of the lead magnet} is just a part of this greater journey… and we have a PROVEN model with a very SPECIFIC framework to get you from here to there.

So what I’d like to do is INVITE you to consider making a very small TIME investment in your business and success, by {insert CTA: schedule a call, watch this video series, attend this webinar, etc.}.

That way we can get you ULTRA-CLEAR about YOUR specific strategy, and get you started by figuring out the TOP 3 THINGS that YOU should be doing in your business RIGHT NOW, if you want to {big benefit}.

So go ahead and {specific actions: click the button, fill in the form, hit submit, etc.}, and I'll see you on the other side.

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