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Messaging Rules

Can I set backup contacts for round-robin notifications in case I'm ever out of the office?

Rain Hyneman avatar
Written by Rain Hyneman
Updated over 2 months ago

With a typical Check-In, visitors select the Contact they're here to see, and that Contact is notified of the visitor's arrival. But did you know other Contacts can also be notified, even if the visitor isn't here to see them? Maybe your security team needs to be notified of every visitor, no matter who they're here to see. Maybe one of your employees is out for the week, and you want notifications to come to you instead. All of that and more is possible with Messaging Rules!

Adding Messaging Rules

Say you want John notified whenever someone checks in to see Jill. Start on the Contacts page of the web portal. Select the three dots in the "Actions" column for the Contact you want to edit (in this case, we'd edit Jill) and select "Edit."

The Contacts page of the web portal. It is zoomed into the Actions column; it has been selected, showing the options to Edit that contact, view their Visits, and their Analytics.

Here, you can see the Contact's information. Scroll down to find the Messaging Rules section. This is where you can add or remove rules, and the number of Messaging Rules you can have is unlimited.

Setting up Your Messaging Rules

The "When Button Is" column controls if only check-ins on a particular Button will trigger the relevant rule.

The "Notify" column controls which Contact is notified.

The "Via" column controls how Contacts are notified (SMS, email, Teams, etc.).

The "After Check-In Happens" column controls whether there will be any in-system delay before the notification is sent.

An image of example Messaging Rules.

This is an example of Messaging Rules for a Contact named Rain. When someone checks in to see Rain, Rain will be notified immediately, no matter the button. If that check-in occurs using the Check-In button, John Test will also receive an email immediately.

Sonic, however, will only be notified if Rain does not respond to the visitor within 30 seconds.

Notification Delays

As you can see, the "After Check-In Happens" column allows notifications to be sent after a delay. This feature is designed to work alongside our Two-Way Chat feature.

Any messaging notifications set on a delay will only be sent if the primary Contact does not respond to the visitor using Two-Way Chat before that delay triggers. In the above example, Sonic will not be notified if Rain responds to the visitor using Two-Way Chat within 30 seconds. This is a great way to ensure that someone is notified of every visitor, even if the Contact they're here to see is in a meeting or out of the office for the day.

All notifications for immediate delivery will be sent regardless of the iPad's response (or lack thereof).

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