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Check-In Buttons

Can visitors check-in to see a particular employee and notify that person that they're here?

Rain Hyneman avatar
Written by Rain Hyneman
Updated over 3 months ago

While the Receptionist has many types of Buttons, the most common and most versatile is the Check-In Button. When using a Check-In button, visitors will select the employee Contact they're here to see, answer any Visitor Fields you've set up, and sign any Agreements your team requires. Once they've done so, the employee Contact they selected will be notified that their visitor is here to see them. This is great for almost all businesses that use The Receptionist; any company that sees visitors, from tax preparers to therapists, can benefit from this button type!

Setting Up A Check-In Button

Any new Receptionist account will have one check-in button built into their workflow by default. To edit that Button or add new ones, start on the Buttons page of the web portal. Select "Existing Buttons" and either add a new button or edit your existing Check-In Button to get creating.

There are plenty of options for customizing any of our Buttons, and Check-In Buttons are no exception! Once you've started editing the button, you can change the color, text, icon, and much more.

An image of the Edit Button Settings screen for a typical Check-In Button.

Scrolling down will display even more sections you can customize. You control which contacts visitors can check in to see, which Visitor Field questions they'll answer, and, if you use those features, any Agreements they'll be answering and what your visitor badges look like.

A screenshot of the button editing page displaying the Visitor Fields section.

At the bottom of the page, there's an Additional Options section full of features you can tweak. Decide whether your contacts will show as a vertical list or a grid, toggle on various security figures such as Private Contacts (which requires your visitors to search the name of the contact they're here to see instead of selecting from a list) and Two-Way Chat (which enables your contacts and your visitors to message back and forth via the app). You can control whether Audio Prompts play when visitors check-in and what they say, and also toggle whether visitors will get a Summary Email after they've checked out.

When you're satisfied with your Button setup, remember to save and test your new workflow!

The possibilities with a Check-In Button are nearly endless, but we have tons of other Button types, too, if this button doesn't sound right for you. Want to notify a particular person or group of people about check-ins without visitors selecting who they're here to see? Try a Notification Button! Want a Button that employees can use to clock in and out? Try our Employee Button! You can view a complete list of our button types and their capabilities here.

Have questions or want to chat through options? Click on that orange chat button in the lower right corner to livechat with a member of The Receptionist team!

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