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Check-Out Reminders

Can I get a reminder to check out visitors?

Rain Hyneman avatar
Written by Rain Hyneman
Updated over 3 months ago

Have you ever had a visitor check into your location and forget to check out when they leave? Maybe that visit languishes in the visit log forever. Maybe they're automatically checked out at midnight, but you know they actually left at around 4:30. Either way, your visit log's information is no longer accurate. With Check-Out Reminders, your Contacts will be reminded about their visitors and can check them out themselves!

What Are Check-Out Reminders?

Check-Out Reminders are notifications that can be sent to Contacts via Slack, Teams, or email (depending on your Contact's notification preferences). For example, when a visitor checks in to see Tom, Tom receives a notification that his visitor has arrived. With Check-Out Reminders turned on, Tom will also receive a notification when a visitor has been checked in for an extended period without checking out. Tom will then have the option to check the visitor out himself.

Turning on and Configuring Check-Out Reminders

Check-Out Reminders can be turned on for any Check-In button. To start, navigate to the Buttons page of the web portal. From there, select Existing Buttons and edit the relevant Check-In Button. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Additional Options section. Then, you can click the Checkout Reminders button to turn this feature on.

The Additional Options section of the Button Configuration page.

Selecting the Edit button will allow you to set the notification's delay. The number must be between 1 and 24, and the system does support decimals; for example, if you want notifications to be sent after an hour and thirty minutes, you could type "1.5."

The Editing Checkout Reminder update.

Remember to save. Now, when a visitor checks in with this button, our system will remember the Contact they were here to see. If the visitor does not check themselves out within the delay period you've set, the Contact will receive a notification letting them know.

A screenshot of the Checkout Reminder email.

Checking Visitors Out

Say Tom gets a message that Jerry's yet to check out, even though he knows Jerry left two hours ago. Luckily, Tom can still check Jerry out to keep the visit log accurate.

The Check-Out Reminder message will include a link he can click to check Jerry out. Clicking on the orange "check-out" button will check Jerry out immediately, and the log will save and reflect the current time. Alternatively, Tom can select the small dropdown arrow next to check-out to specify a check-out time; this is useful if Jerry actually left hours ago.

A screenshot of the visitor information screen. The Check Out button dropdown has been selected, giving the option to check out at a specific time.

Alternatively, if Jerry's meeting has gone long and he's still here, Tom can ignore the notification.

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