To edit an existing or former grant series, visit the help article Adjusting a Recurring Grant Series. The steps to setting up a new recurring grant series are below.
From your fund’s dashboard or grants tab, select the “+ New Grant” button in the upper right corner.
Select the charity you wish to recommend a recurring grant series to. Then, in the grant details portion, make sure to set your desired amount, and that the “Recurring Grant” tab is selected (highlighted below). Choose what date you wish the recurring grant series to begin, and choose from the list of repeat interval options. Your amount in the amount line would be granted at every repetition in the series (i.e. $300 every month).
Be sure to select an ending date or total number of occurrences you desire for the series. You can also just allow the grant to “Never” end if you do not have a specific end date in mind. Then, fill in any recognitions, special purposes, and if you wish to make the grant anonymous, select the checkbox. Then, select “Review” and submit your recommended recurring grant.
Want to see a video of recommending a grant? Watch here.
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