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All CollectionsNonprofits | Grant Recipients
Granting to an Unlisted or New Recipient / Nonprofit
Granting to an Unlisted or New Recipient / Nonprofit

How to proceed with a grant recommendation when your charity does not show up in our search results.

Updated over 10 months ago

When recommending a new grant, sometimes the nonprofit you wish to select does not appear in our recipient search results. This could be for a number of reasons, but it does not mean that you cannot proceed with the grant recommendation.

To recommend a grant to a new or unlisted recipient, users must submit a grant recommendation from their fund and enter the charity information on the form.

If you believe a nonprofit not listed in our database will require special approval or circumstances, you can email about the organization.


To recommend a grant to recipient that is not in our recipient database, begin by opening the "+NEW GRANT" form and begin recommending the grant to the recipient from your fund.


Make sure to search for the recipient you wish to grant to in the recipient search box. Check alternate names and try spelling out acronyms. If no results are found, click the "+ Add New" button.


Enter the recipient name and as much information as possible to help us identify the charity. To make verification as quick as possible, please provide as much detail as you can about the nonprofit. Any of the following are helpful to include: EIN, mailing address, website, phone number, email address, and point of contact.

To finish, click ADD RECIPIENT and continue filling out and submitting the grant form with your desired amount and details. New recipients must be vetted before a grant recommendation can be fulfilled. Please allow for about 3 days of additional time to perform our due diligence when submitting a new recipient that is not already in our database.

Previously Approved Charities

Charity approvals do expire on a rolling basis and sometimes move from an approved state to an expired state until they can be vetted again. This means that a charity you previously have granted to may not populate in the recipient search. Simply type the nonprofit name and “previously granted to recipient” in the box.

Denied Recipients

On occasion, The Signatry is unable to complete a grant request to a charity that does not meet our granting policy or applicable laws for grants from a donor advised fund. If this happens, the grant recommendation will be declined and you should expect a phone call from someone on our team.

Still need help? Call us at 913-310-0279 between 8:30 AM CT and 5 PM CT or click the button below submit a help ticket.

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