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Grant Status Explanations
Grant Status Explanations

What does the grant status mean? What does a paid grant vs complete grant indicate? Cover submitted, pending, paid, and complete statuses.

Updated over 8 months ago

The status markers next to grant records can help indicate to the user the stage of the recommended grant as it travels from submission to payment to the nonprofit. Below is a brief explanation of each grant status.

Submitted Status

A blue submitted status is where every grant record begins. The grant has been submitted but has not yet been pushed into The Signatry's processing which includes due diligence and balance review.

Pending Status

The grant has been pushed into processing and is undergoing reviews in due diligence, balance review, and awaiting divestment to be paid.

Paid Status

The grant has been paid from The Signatry account, but the payment is still processing in the bank.

Complete Status

Grant payment has cleared the bank (Wires take 1 day, ACH 2 days, and Checks are paid or voided by 60 days).

Returned Status

A grant was returned from the recipient nonprofit, or the ACH payment bounced back and corrected instructions could not be obtained from the nonprofit.

Canceled Status

A fund user or employee of The Signatry can cancel a grant recommendation. This may be done for a variety of reasons, including needing to re-issue a new grant instance, insufficient funds, or due to nonprofit approval status. If you did not cancel the grant, a representative from our Donor Care team will provide details should The Signatry need to cancel a grant recommendation.

You can watch a full video on the lifecycle of a grant to better understand the backend processes that go into completing a grant from a fund at The Signatry.

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