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The Magic Wand Experience
All about The Magic Wand Experience
Can I order food in The Magic Wand Experience?
Can I order drinks in The Magic Wand Experience?
When can I make a booking until?
Is there an age limit for the Magic Wand Experience?
Can I bring my own wand to the Magic Wand Experience?
Are there any special effects during The Magic Wand Experience?
Is there Gratuity/Service Charge included in the Magic Wand Experience ticket cost?
Can I book for 1 person for the Magic Wand Experience?
What is the Magic Wand Experience?
How much does the Magic Wand Experience cost?
How do I book the Magic Wand Experience?
Are there discounts available for group bookings in the Magic Wand Experience?
Do your magic wands really work in the Magic Wand Experience?
Is the Magic Wand Experience suitable for all ages?
Is the Magic Wand Experience an adult or child experience?
Can I purchase additional wand accessories in the Magic Wand Experience?