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Code of respect

If below sounds/feels right, then we have a great future ahead

Matt Kesby avatar
Written by Matt Kesby
Updated over a week ago

The E Group Payments (TEG) – Code of Respect

At TEG we have gathered an amazing group of people and collaborative suppliers committed to:

  • Building great products to benefit our customers

  • Building long term happy and sustainable relationships

  • Building a foundation of greatness to allow Success Partners to exceed

Building a Foundation of greatness for our Success Partners requires a contribution from us and from you.

With hundred’s of Success Partner across the country, greatness comes from structure, discipline, living by a set of values and ahearing to a code of respect.

Structure: is constantly being developed and refined via our IT and online systems (eg OfferHQ) to guide the delivery in everything we do.

Discipline: this relates to the daily action we execute to deliver results and include

Success Partner & Company Values
Conduct a personal audit of the values written below. If these do not feel like a good fit for you, that's OK, we are all different, just be prepared to find a business family that is aligned to your way...we do not want to see you stuck in an unhappy relationship.

CARE: We take care and listen to our clients to understand their needs. We care for all support team, product issuers, fellow success partners. We commit to care for self, be professional, dress the part, eat well, rest up, repeat.

DRIVE: We are self-starters, self-driven, understand delayed gratification to achieve greater outcomes. We do not wait for others to motivate us, we motivate ourselves.

LEARN: We commit to constant learning, honing our sales craft, advancing technical knowledge, always learning to achieve greater outcomes.

EXECUTE: We execute daily! With volume! We are persistent! We deliver Results!

FIND-A-WAY: We embrace change and challenges and seek to find-a-way forward in all situations.

At the heart of it all, be a good person. Practice the golden rule, treat others as you wish to be treated.

We are sooo excited for you and to be working alongside of you.

To Your Greatness

TEG Team

Asking Question & Support

  1. First - Search Knowledge Base 

  2. Second - Chat 

  3. Third Bi-Monthly Webinars for big topics 

  4. Call Smart Pay Direct - No Never - Merchant can call direct, but not Success Partners

If you find that you are asking Chat Support the same questions frequently, then you may be required to resit the associated training module.

Applying the Code of Respect to OfferHQ use

Read and understand fair use approach to Number of Company Restriction per product

Key Rules on OHQ CRM

  1. Max number of companies allowed to be in lead/opportunity state for a SP. For SmartCharge EFTPOS the default number is 20, for SimpleRent it has been reduces from 15 to 10.

  2. If a SP does not maintain effective communication frequency within a 4 week period, OHQ will send that company back to the POOL as open game. 

  3. If it is not in does not exist! Be sure to update OHQ, failing to do so is likely to result in large lost opportunities.

Applying the Code of Respect for SmartPay Applications

Moving forward with the new Eftpos solution presented by SmartPay we are required to complete new paperwork that will be passed between many parties.

To ensure that we receive great and fast service from SmartPay we are asking for the following points adhered to when collating the information for the application forms.These points are designed to ensure a seamless flow of the application through the system.


As these applications are handwritten we are asking you to ensure that the hand writing on the application is clear and legible with mistakes corrected using corrector tape NOT crossing / scribbling out. If you don’t have good handwriting please find someone who has! 


Where possible it is required that you use a scanner with high quality resolution. – if you are unable to read what you have scanned – then there is little chance of those down the line reading the application. If we are unable to clearly read the application they will be rejected. Also please ensure that all supporting items are clearly presented and sent in the above file combinations. We recommend using Camscanner app on your phone (invest in the paid version). Once you have uploaded the documents to OfferHQ and they are SAVED...please delete records from your devices. 

Completing the Application

Please ensure that all parts/ sections of the applications are completed before submission. Please also ensure that spelling is correct and associated ABN Numbers are checked and valid.

Sending applications Fully Complete

Please ensure that you have all of the relevant information and supporting documents before submitting the application – do not send in dribs and drabs.

Embrace change

Appreciate that everything will change overtime, when it does, accept that change is a constant. Never expect things to remain the same forever.

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