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Feedback Request
Written by Kieran Avey
Updated over a week ago

We do not provide feedback on the tasks you complete. You are able to self-assess your work by comparing your submission to the example answer provided once you complete the task. After you have completed your self-assessment, you'll be given the opportunity to re-submit your work if you wish.
Our partner companies have the option to view your submissions. However they won't provide you with direct feedback. Our simulations are designed to give you a chance to experience what it's like to work at the company and there are no right or wrong answers to each task. The example answers are designed to help you see how someone who works at the company may have approached the task. You can choose not to share your submissions with a company by toggling the 'Allow *company name*
to contact me' option, in the bottom left hand section of your screen, when you are in a task page.


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