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Embed Your Org Chart

Embed your org chart on your website, careers page, Notion page, and internal and external documents

Olivia Zhao avatar
Written by Olivia Zhao
Updated over a month ago

Want to show off your team on your company website to potential hires or help your own employees better understand what their company looks like? Our embedding feature lets you do just that. You can embed your interactive company org chart on your website, careers page, Notion page, and internal and external documents you use to collaborate with partners and candidates. Head over to The Org’s public notion page to see our embedded org chart in action or scroll down to examples of how other super users have gotten creative with the feature.

As of now, using our embed feature is the only way of exporting your org chart. We do not have a printing feature available (yet).

Here are the steps to integrate your org chart on an external website

Step 1 - - Visit our embed feature via this link

Step 2 - - Insert your company's slug in the same spot as highlighted

Step 3 - - Copy the iframe code snippet below.

Step 4 - - Open the HTML document on your website and insert the iframe code snippet.

Step 5 - - If necessary, adjust the iframe properties such as height and border style.

Step 6 - - Interact and share your embedded org chart with candidates and colleagues.

Examples of other embedded org charts

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