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Registering for A Seminar

FAQs on how to find and attend a ThetaHealing Seminar

Written by ThetaHealing Headquarters
Updated over 8 months ago

What is the difference between a Course and a Seminar?

A course is a body of knowledge with supporting resources and information organized by topic, for example, Basic DNA is a ThetaHealing course. A Seminar is a forum in which a course is taught to learners by an instructor, either in-person or online. A student of ThetaHealing can only learn the topics contained in a course by taking a seminar with Vianna or a Certified ThetaHealing Instructor.

What Seminars can I take with a Certified ThetaHealing Instructor?

Certified Thetahealing Instructors can teach you the Practitioners seminars he/she is certified to teach. Some Instructors can teach 1 practitioner seminar and others 14. To know what seminar your Instructor is certified to teach you will want to look in their profile on this site. The more Instructors seminars a ThetaHealing Instructor has attended the more practitioner seminars they will be able to offer.

You can take one seminar with one Instructor and another seminar with a different Instructor. As long you take your ThetaHealing Practitioner seminars with a Certified ThetaHealing Instructor your certification will be valid.

How do I find a ThetaHealing® seminar?

Visit From there, if you are just getting started with ThetaHealing you can either watch Create Your Own Reality which is a great introduction to ThetaHealing, or if you are ready to get started on your own practice, start with Basic DNA. Basic DNA is the beginning of your ThetaHealing learning journey.

How do I register for a seminar?

Once you have found a seminar you would like to take, simply click on Register Now. If you don't have an account with yet, you'll need to create an account. Once you've created your account, you'll be taken to your Student Dashboard and can complete your registration for the seminar.

After registration, the instructor will contact you to arrange details and make sure your questions are answered.

For seminars taught by Vianna, either in Montana or at one of the locations worldwide, find the seminar using the seminar search tool and click register now. Then follow the instructions to complete your registration.

How do I check out on ThetaHealing?

Currently, all transactions for seminars are between the Instructor and the Student. is a directory for practitioners and instructors, but all of the financial transactions are between you and the practitioner or instructor.

How to get a receipt?

We send you a registration confirmation via email. However, if you need a receipt for a financial transaction, you'll arrange that with the instructor giving the seminar. Our Instructors are happy to provide receipts.

Request a refund or cancel your registration

Our cancelation policy is here:

Instructors may have their own cancelation policies, so we suggest inquiring about these policies before making payment.

If you have already paid for a seminar, but are unable to attend, you can ask the Instructor for a refund or a reschedule.

Communicating with your instructor

Once you have registered for a seminar, you will be able to communicate with the instructor through the ThetaHealing Messaging Center (found in your student portall) or reach them directly through their contact information on their profile page. The instructor will also reach out to you to arrange details of the seminar and answer any questions you might have.

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