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Add a New Store

How to add a new store to your account

Michael Signorella avatar
Written by Michael Signorella
Updated over 2 years ago

If you own or operate multiple stores and want to easily view the metrics between them, ThoughtMetric gives you the ability to do so easily by allowing you to add a new Store to your Organization. To simplify things a little, every user that signs up for ThoughtMetric starts off with an Organization and they can add multiple Stores to their Organization. The steps to adding a new store to your Organization are:

1.) Clicking the dropdown of your Store's name, which is located on the top of the left-side nav.

2.) By clicking the dropdown you will be shown all your current Stores as well as the New Store option which allows you to add a Store. Click the New Store option.

3.) From here you will be taking to the first step of the Connect a New Store Page. Here you will be asked to provide a name for your Store, the currency you use to record sales on your Store, the currency you use to record your ad spend, and your timezone. After that click the Create Store button to proceed.

4.) Now that you have created a new Store you should now install the tracking pixel for your Store.

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