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How do I invite a client (jobseeker)?
Updated over 12 months ago

Inviting a jobseeker only takes a few steps. You can follow the actions below to send a Thrive invitation to a jobseeker. Please be sure to check that the client's name and email are spelled correctly.

1. Select Users from the side navigation menu on the left

2. Click the Add New User button

3. A new form to create a user registration will appear

4. Fill out the form fields

Upon entering an email and phone number, there will be options for you to select under Email Invite Options and SMS Invite Options. It is recommended to send an email invitation, so your client can easily access Thrive from a computer.

Thrive Invitation Options:

Don’t Send - No invitation will be sent. (Only use this if your jobseeker should NOT receive a Thrive invitation yet.)

Send Now - An invitation will be sent to the jobseeker immediately.

5. Select the Create & Invite User button to send the jobseeker their Thrive invite

A pop-up will appear to confirm your action. Please select Create & Invite User again.

The jobseeker now has a Thrive account, has received their official invitation, and can begin their Thrive program!

Completed Registration Form Example:

Invitation Summary: The Welcome Package contains the Action Plan items for your jobseeker.

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