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How to copy any part of your app.
How to copy any part of your app.

Copying screens, components, and blocks is greatly helpful to speeding up a build. Learn how to do that by reading this article!

Matt from Thunkable avatar
Written by Matt from Thunkable
Updated over a week ago

Let's put some info out here for you to begin.

1) Screens can be saved and used between projects only when you are a Business or Team level user

2) Individual screens in your projects can be duplicated and. reorganized within the same project regardless of your subscription level.
3) Components and Blocks can be copy/pasted or moved across screens as either individuals or groups by any level user. 😊
The only way to move these particular items between projects is to use the method from #1.

4) Component styles, at this time, cannot be saved or copied to other components meaning each component must be styled individually, unless it's a copied component. Copied components retain the parent components properties.

5) Copy an entire project. This can occur for any user provided you have an available spot in your allotted projects count.

Copy blocks

First select a single block or block combination. Then using your keyboard, simultaneously click 'ctrl' + 'C' to copy the blocks to your browsers memory.
Next, either on the same screen or a different block screen within the same project, click where you'd like the blocks to be pasted, then simultaneously click 'ctrl' + 'V' and your blocks will appear and be ready to use.
​Please note, if you use this feature and any of your blocks refer to a visual component from another screen you will need to correct this or likely experience undesired results when running the app including potential crashes. You must remove reference to components that don't exist on the visual screen the blocks correspond with.

Unfortunately though, and to reiterate. here, you can only copy/paste blocks within the same project. We don't support cross project copy/pasting of blocks at this time.

Copy components to another screen

​To start, select the component or group of components that you want to duplicate from the element tree on the left side of the design screen.
​Next, in the properties panel on the right, click the three dots at the top left and select 'Duplicate'.
​Lastly, grab that duplicated group or component and drag it to the new screen or even use it on the same screen a second time.
Here is a video showing that process
​Please note: Using this feature only copies the visual element, it does not copy any of the associated blocks or workflows you may have associated with the parent visual elements.

Copy a screen within a project

This process not only copies the visual elements (renaming them slightly in the process) but it also duplicates the associated blocks for that screen.
Unlike copying blocks or visual components alone, this process copies the entire screens visual components as well as blocks.
​First, select the screen you want to copy by clicking on it in the element tree in the left panel of the design screen.
​Next, click the three dots at the top right in the properties panel on the right side of the screen and click Duplicate.

Last, position the screen where you would like it to live between any other screens or as either the first or last screen.

Save Screen to use in another project

Thunkable allows you to reuse a screen, and its associated blocks, in multiple projects with the "Save to My Screens" feature. You can find the save screen button at the top of the properties for every screen component in your app.



Name Your Screen

It's important that when you save your screen you use a descriptive and memorable name that describes what your screen does. The example below is for a sign in screen, which is something that often get reused across multiple projects.



Add a New Screen

Once you've saved a screen, any time you click the + button at the top of your component tree to add a new screen to your project, you will be given the option to add a blank screen or to "Add From Saved Screens".



Choose a Saved Screen

Simply choose the screen that you want to add in and click the "Copy" button to proceed.



Please note

This feature is only available for Business and Team level users.

Copy entire projects

Click on one of our sample projects to open its "Project Page"

From here you can preview and test an app. You can also click the blue "Copy Project" link to add a copy of this app to your own collection of projects.

Notice in the animation below that "Translator copy" is now added to your My Projects page.



Click the button below to remix the translator app for yourself.

Duplicate a Project

To make a copy of one of your own projects, go to the "My Projects" page.

Click on the ellipsis (three dots) menu in the bottom right corner of the project card.

Choose the "Duplicate"



Click on the button below to try duplicating one of your projects now.

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