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Ticker pay-per-mile insurance
Cancelling a pay-per-mile policy
Will you cancel my pay-per-mile policy for non-payment?
Will you cancel my pay-per-mile policy for non-payment?

What happens when we can't take payment

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Written by Ticker
Updated over a week ago

When you took out your policy, we told you that your monthly bill is charged to the card you used for your first upfront payment. If your monthly card payment doesn’t go through, we send out an email to let you know we'll reattempt again in two days’ time.

We make three attempts to take payment and if the third one is unsuccessful, we let you know that we need to cancel the policy. We also give you the opportunity to call and pay with a different card during this time. If the payments were unsuccessful and we haven’t heard from you, then we'll cancel the policy.

You can always talk to us about payment issues – just start a chat and we'll be happy to help.

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