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Transactions Sheet Columns
Transactions Sheet Columns

Tiller finance sheets support a number of columns in the Transactions sheet.

Heather Phillips avatar
Written by Heather Phillips
Updated over 4 months ago

Below is a list of supported Tiller columns. To add any of the columns simply insert a new column by right clicking an existing column and choosing to “insert 1 left” or “insert 1 right.” Then title the column with one of the following names. 

Insert additional columns into your Transactions sheet prior to the first data feed to get the full data set. Additional supported columns added after data has been pulled into your spreadsheet will not retroactively populate for existing transactions, and will only fill for new transactions. 

Columns appearing in Core Transactions sheets:


The value provided will be either posted date (date the transaction cleared) or transaction date (date the transaction occurred). Posted date takes higher priority than the transaction date, except for investment accounts, as only transaction date is available. The availability of posted date or transaction date varies by institution.


This is the standard Tiller description that we use in our templates. It’s slightly cleaned up from the full description we receive from your bank, but still has plenty of detail. This gas purchase will read as follows: “Union xx x3152, Orondo x8620, Union 76”

Category (non-automated)

Tiller doesn’t fill in this column because we believe there’s value in having you assign each transaction to a category. It’s quick, easy and it helps you build awareness around your spending. If you'd like to automate your category workflows, try AutoCat (available for both Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel.)


This shows the amount of the transaction. Income, refunds, and credits are positive. Expenses and debits are negative.


This is the name of the account as it appears on the bank's website or the nickname you assign on the Tiller Console under Account Summary. For example, “Alaska Airlines Signature Visa” for my Alaska Airlines Visa credit card, or “Family Checking” for our checking account with USAA. 

Account #

This is the last four digits of the bank account numbers. For example, “xxxx1102”. Note: We cannot pull in individual card numbers if you have separate cards issued for the same credit card account.


This is the name of the financial institution. For example, “Bank of America” or “USAA”.


It’s sometimes helpful to have a month rather than a specific date when creating pivot tables and other reports as you manage your money. Every transaction is assigned a date for the first day of that month. For example, for a transaction on February 17, 2016, Tiller will simply fill in February 1, 2016 in the month column. 


Similar to month, sometimes it’s helpful to break out transaction details by week. Tiller will enter the date for the Sunday of the week of the transaction. As an example, for that same transaction on Wednesday, February 17, Tiller will fill in the date for Sunday, February 14 in the week column.

Full Description 

This includes of the description or merchant details we collect from your bank, however messy it may be. For example, a recent gas purchase might look like this: “UNION xx xxxx3152 ORONDO xxxxxx8620 UNION 76”

Transaction ID

A unique ID assigned to the Transaction by Tiller's systems. This is an important column for support troubleshooting in some cases. This column is hidden in some templates. Please do not delete this column.

Account ID

A unique ID assigned to your accounts by Tiller's systems. This is an important column for support troubleshooting in some cases. This column is hidden in some templates. Please do not delete this column.

Check Number

Tiller sometimes is able to discern the check number for checks you write. When this is possible, Tiller will fill in the check number details into your column titled Check.

Date Added

The date the transaction was added to the spreadsheet. 

Optional automated data columns you can add by inserting a new column:

Merchant Name

If you add the Merchant Name column to your Transactions sheet Tiller will fill it with a normalized merchant name. This is helpful when descriptions for certain merchants come in differently such as adding a store number or ordering online vs in store.

Examples: The merchant name column for a transaction with descriptions*sx4056tw3 and Amzn Mktp Us*hi79n7i23 will just be Amazon.

Category Hint 

Tiller's data provider will make a guess at the category for a transaction based on what they know about the merchant. This isn’t always accurate, and it doesn’t reflect the way you might think about categories, so we don’t include it in our Foundation template or core Transactions sheet. 

Other helpful but non-automated columns

Feel free to add the below columns to your Transactions sheet for additional tracking granularity.


Add a column titled "Note" to add notes about a specific transaction. This column is leveraged by the Category Rollup report available in the Tiller Community Solutions add-on for Google Sheets.


Add a Tags column to your Transactions sheet to Tag your transactions for an extra layer of detail. The Tags column will be automatically added to your Transactions sheet when you add the Tags Report from the Tiller Community Solutions add-on for Google Sheets.

Columns added by a Google Sheets add-on

ℹ️ does not apply to Microsoft Excel

Tiller has a few Google Sheets add-ons to help you power up your financial spreadsheet workflows. These add-ons may add columns to your Transactions sheet to support the workflow or solutions.

Categorized Date

The Categorized Date column is added by AutoCat when you add the AutoCat sheet via the Tiller Money Feeds add-on. It is the date that AutoCat automatically categorized or updated a transaction for you if you have the Auto Run on update setting turned on.


The Statement column is added to the Transactions sheet automatically by the Tiller Community Solutions add-on when you add the Statements solution to your spreadsheet. The Statements sheet can be used reconcile transactions to bank statements and is supported by the Tiller Community.


The Metadata column is added by the Tiller Community Solutions add-on to support various workflows such as CSV imports.

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