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Moving Pupils

How to move pupils from one class to another

Sarah Parrish avatar
Written by Sarah Parrish
Updated over a week ago

There are two easy ways to move pupils between Maths classes or between Pastoral classes. The method you choose will depend on how many pupils you are moving:

A few at a time:

To move an individual or small number of pupils:

  1. Go to Accounts > Classes.

  2. Tick the name(s) of the pupil(s).

  3. Then click 'Move to Maths Class' button and choose the class you wish to move them to.

Lots of pupils:

If you have lots of changes to make - for example, at the start of a new school year - it's probably more efficient to use the Uploader tool, on the Classes page. Yes, that's right: you can move existing students with the pupil uploader, as well as adding new ones.

Here are the instructions:

  1. Go to Account > Classes, tick all the classes, head to the 'Download's tab and then click the 'Logins Spreadsheet' button.

  2. In the spreadsheet that opens, change the pupils' maths and/or pastoral classes. (You can change any of the pupils' data EXCEPT their usernames as our system uses the usernames to determine whether they already exist or whether to treat them as new.)

  3. Return to the Classes page and click "Uploader".

  4. Either drag the saved .csv file into the dropzone on the left, or browse to where you saved it. Alternatively, copy the pupil data in the spreadsheet and paste it into the box on the right of the pupil uploader.

  5. Follow the Uploader steps. It will do all the heavy lifting... creating the Classes for you and putting pupils into their new classes, while preserving pupils' performance data.

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