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Wonde uploader steps

How to sync classes with Wonde

Bruno Reddy avatar
Written by Bruno Reddy
Updated over a week ago

Using Wonde to sync your classes is a doddle and will save time whenever pupils change their details on your school database, e.g. when they go up a year, move classes or change names.

Let's get set up! First, select below the scenario that best describes

I'm a brand new school. I have no classes or pupils already set up on TTRs and/or NumBots.

First, you'll need to give us permission to pull data through Wonde. To give this permission please:

Click on Account (bottom left corner after logging in) then select:

Classes > Wonde Uploader

Now click the blue "Connect" button as shown below:

(If there is no "connect" button and you see a different message, this means your school does not currently use Wonde. Please contact for help.)

A request will be sent to your Wonde system. Please login to the Wonde dashboard (or ask the person in school who is in charge of Wonde to do this) and approve the request.

Finally, wait 24 hours for Wonde to complete their audit, after which you can continue with the steps below:

Import pupils and classes with Wonde:

1. Click on Account (bottom left corner after logging in) > Classes > Wonde Uploader

2. Select what group types you wish to sync. Most schools sync Registration groups, but you can click the dropdown and choose Year or Course and more. You can also click "Subjects" and select Maths from the subject list, if you'd like to sync Maths classes.

3. Select what pastoral group type you would like to sync. Most schools sync Year Group and so that will be the default.

If you have changed the default option, you'll need to then click "Save:"

4. Scroll down to "Unconnected Classes." For each class in the list, click ‘Import for the first time."

It will show you how many new users will be created for that group:

5. Repeat the steps for each class.

6. Once you’ve finished press the big blue ‘Import x classses’ button.

At this point, the pupils' accounts will be created. That means if, in the future, they change classes, yeargroup, name, etc. on your school database, the change will be reflected within 24 hours on TTRS.

It also means that new joiners to any of the synced classes will have an account made for them, e.g. Jonny Smith joins the school and gets added to the school database in a class that’s already synced; by the next morning he’ll have had an account on TTRS.

This will be a huge timesaver at the start of every school year and saving you making lots of little changes during the year, when a pupil joins the school, for example.

I already have some pupils and classes set up on TTRS and/or NumBots. Now I want to use Wonde.

1. Click on Account > Classes > Wonde Uploader

2. Select what group types you wish to sync. Most schools sync Registration groups, but you can click the dropdown and choose Year or Course and more. You can also click "Subjects" and select Maths from the subject list, if you'd like to sync Maths classes.

3. Select what pastoral group type you would like to sync. Most schools sync Year Group and so that will be the default.

If you already have bespoke pastoral groups set up and you don't want to overwrite them, simply choose "None" from the dropdown menu and your existing pastoral groups will be maintained.

4. For each class in the list, click ‘Match with TTRS Band’

Some classes may not have a match so you can leave it on ‘No action’ or press ‘Import for the first time’ if you’d like to create accounts for that class.

5. For those where you pressed ‘Match with TTRS Band’, you’ll need to press ‘Click to resolve issues’ so that you can go through ones that it couldn’t match.

6. Repeat the steps for each class.

7. Once you’ve finished press the big blue ‘Merge’ button.

At this point, it will create a link between the child’s record on TTRS and their record on your school database. That means if, in the future, they change classes, yeargroup, name, etc. on your school database, the change will be reflected within 24 hours on TTRS.

It also means that new joiners to any of the synced classes will have an account made for them, e.g. Jonny Smith joins the school and gets added to the school database in a class that’s already synced; by the next morning he’ll have had an account on TTRS.

This will be a huge timesaver at the start of every school year and saving you making lots of little changes during the year, when a pupil joins the school, for example.

Here, you can find some more useful info regarding the Wonde system:

When should I not use Wonde at all?

  1. If your pupils are in sets in TT Rock Stars but your school database only has them in their form classes. Let’s say you’ve got 6Ma1 and 6Ma2 on TTRS because you’ve uploaded them into those 2 classes. However, your school database doesn’t have 6Ma1 and 6Ma2, it’s only got 6H and 6Y (their form classes). If you sync with your school database, then it’s going to move the pupils out of 6Ma1 and 6Ma2 and put them into 6H and 6Y.

    The sync will always try to be a copycat of what’s on your school database. It may be that you want them in different classes on TTRS, so in which case the Wonde sync isn’t for you and you should revoke it by going to Wonde Uploader > Disconnect Wonde.

  2. If you insist that new users have a particular username and password. Our Wonde uploader cannot get usernames from your school database because school databases never store their usernames so the Wonde uploader will always create usernames and passwords for you.

    If it’s really important that pupils’ login details match their login details for something else then the Wonde sync isn’t suitable for you and you should revoke it by going to Wonde Uploader > Disconnect Wonde.

Frequently asked questions

How much does Wonde cost?

It's free!

Our pupils already have accounts. Will they end up with two?

No, as long as you follow the steps, and match up the existing accounts with the ones being imported from Wonde, the system won't create duplicates.

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