"Hacked accounts" - further info for teachers
Bruno Reddy avatar
Written by Bruno Reddy
Updated over a week ago

Avatar Refunds

To refund unwanted avatar purchases, please head to Settings & Admin > Avatar Refunds.

Studio Speeds

If the culprit has brought down another child's Studio Speed by playing as them in the Studio, please go to Stats > [class name] > Individual Scores > bar chart for the individual concerned and press the trash icon for the relevant games.

Changing passwords

To change passwords one by one, search for the pupil name in the search bar at the top.

To bulk change passwords, go to Account > Classes, tick the classes and press Update > Set New Passwords or Pins

Tips to avoid this happening in order of effectiveness

  1. DON'T use easily guessable passwords or make them all the same.
    You may be concerned about logging in becoming harder if their passwords aren't the same or guessable. Initially there's a learning curve but it'll be worthwhile.
    See below on how to bulk change passwords to more secure ones.

  2. NEVER display pupil passwords on the noticeboard or leave them visible on your desk.

  3. LET THEM KNOW, as part of e-safety lesson, that hacking into someone else's account is not what a good rock star would do and there are ways they could be caught even if they do this at home.

  4. TELL THEM not to share log in details, even with friends, and not to leave their username labels visible on their desk.

  5. REMIND pupils to log out after each session at school.

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