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Where are my payments sent?
Where are my payments sent?
Pete avatar
Written by Pete
Updated over a week ago

What To Do If You Came From A 3rd Party Site To TimeWall

If you came to TimeWall from a 3rd party site, such as Lootably, HangMyAds, or Offertoro, you should be aware that payments will be sent to that site in the currency of that site. Once those payments are sent, it is the job of that site to pass on the payment information to the website that you originally sent it from.

It is important to note that with TimeWall, payment will be sent immediately, however, there may be some delays on the other end of things, so you should be aware of any potential delays when it comes to receiving payments.

Keep in mind, if you came to TimeWall from another website, the payments you receive will not be stored within the TimeWall system.

How To Maintain Accurate Payment Records

If you would like to maintain accurate records of all your payments, be sure to also store records elsewhere. That way, you can consult those payments on-demand to ensure that all payments were recorded correctly and timely.

It is also important to note that different sites offer varying levels of security. Make sure you are aware of the security policies of any third-party site you are using for payment processing before you decide to use them.

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