Pending Points
Pete avatar
Written by Pete
Updated over a week ago

Tasks Approval and Rejection

At TimeWall, you have the opportunity to work on a range of tasks, but what happens to the work you have submitted once you have completed the task?

All tasks that have been submitted must be approved or rejected by the advertiser or creator of the task. We give them a total of 4 days to approve or reject your work, though due to potential time zone differences, we may give them up to 6 days. Until these tasks are approved, they will show up in your "Pending" total.

It is the advertiser's full right to approve or reject your work, and we advise all freelancers to read the advertisement carefully before working on a task. This can help ensure that your work is approved.

Surveys and Offers

Pending points from some Surveys and offers will be pending for thirty (30) days in the event of chargebacks.

Pending points displayed on the top of the screen are for the current profile only. (Not always accurate).

Pending Items displayed in "History" are from all profiles.

If you have any further questions regarding task approval on, please feel free to contact our customer support team.

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