Stats For Nerds
Pete avatar
Written by Pete
Updated over a week ago

How to Prove That You Have Watched a YouTube Video

Some of the tasks we have on our platform are Tasks for watching YouTube videos. You are required to send us some details to prove that you have actually watched the video.

To help you review the requirements for sending proof that you watched a YouTube video, we created the following instructional video: How to View Stats for Nerds. In the beginning of the video, we explain the different types of proof you can send us after you watch the video.

You are required to send proof that you have watched the video, such as a screenshot or link to the video, before sending it to us.


When sending us a screenshot, be sure to capture the page you are viewing while you are watching the video. This will give us a better idea of what you were watching when you sent the screenshot.


When sending us a link to the video, you must make sure to include the exact URL of the video, such as the video's YouTube address. This will help us quickly verify if the video has been watched.

We hope this video helped you understand how to prove that you have watched a YouTube video for our tasks on our platform. Thanks for being part of our community.

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