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ChargeBacks, what are they?
ChargeBacks, what are they?
Pete avatar
Written by Pete
Updated over a week ago

What Do I Need to Know about TimeWall and Chargebacks?

TimeWall offers its users the possibility of completing surveys and receiving rewards. However, this comes with certain regulations and requires compliance with the Terms of Service you agreed with when creating your account.

One of the Terms of Service regulations is that “TimeWall may apply chargebacks to your account if an advertiser rejects leads due to fraud, false information, or any reason whatsoever. These amounts will be deducted from your TimeWall account.”

When Do Chargebacks Occur?

When completing surveys, it is important to remember that you are entering accurate and truthful information or risk facing potential chargebacks. The advertiser can apply chargebacks to your account if your responses are wrong, too general or fraudulent. This could be due to not entering your profile correctly, failing to answer certain questions, sketchy answers, or speeding through the surveys without providing thorough responses. They also may reject your responses if you use a proxy or non-approved device.

Since there are many automated survey methods, the advertiser must verify that you completed the survey. Therefore, a human will review all surveys submitted and compare them to the provided answers to ensure the responses are accurate. If these are incorrect, they can ask for money back from TimeWall.

What Are My Options With Chargebacks?

The advertiser has up to 60 days to ask for a chargeback, and you may need help to do something about it. Just to let you know, TimeWall Support does not know why an advertiser takes a chargeback, as it is beyond their control. However, feel free to contact the advertiser for clarification or confirmation if it does occur.

If this is not the first time you have faced chargebacks, being more careful with your answers is suggested. Please always be on the lookout for test or trick questions, read the survey questions thoroughly, and give thoughtful answers to text fields. This will not only make sure that your surveys are accepted but also keep you motivated.

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