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False IP VPN address
Pete avatar
Written by Pete
Updated over a week ago

False IP Address Reports

If you have received a report that you are using a false IP address, you may be wondering what this means and how to address it. Read on to learn more about false IP report scenarios, and how to respond to them if necessary.

What Is a False IP Report?

A false IP report can be anything from a Internet Service Provider (ISP) with questionable practices, to your mobile phone roaming while doing a survey. False IP reports can also arise if you are located in a region where IP addresses are either incorrectly or fraudulently assigned. For example, if your IP address appears to originate from a country different than the one where you actually reside, this could potentially result in a false IP report.

How to Handle a False IP Report?

If you receive a false IP report, it's best to first confirm the proper origin of your IP address and that it is up to date. If you determine your IP address is incorrect or out of date, you can contact your ISP to update it. However, if you believe your IP address is properly assigned and up to date, contact the entity that sent the report for more information about their findings.

Preventing False IP Reports

By keeping your IP address properly assigned and up to date, you can avoid false IP reports. When your IP address does change, be sure to update any services that may use it, such as apps or websites. Additionally, when travelling abroad, be aware of your roaming capabilities, as this may cause to your IP address to change as well.

If you have any further questions or need additional help, please reach out to our customer service team with any questions.

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