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Written by Pete
Updated over a week ago

What happens if I'm Banned from the Platform for any type of Fraud?

If you are banned from us for Survey Fraud, the chances of you getting the account returned is very low. Survey Fraud does not only effect our client paying out for false answers from false people, but all the other users of this platform will also get punished because of fraud users using this platform. We take a hard line on anyone that is trying to steal from our clients.

What is Survey Fraud?

Survey Fraud is a form of fraud where a person attempted to deceive a survey company, research company, or a market research company for either cash, bonuses, or gift cards. Fraudulent activities can involve misrepresenting one’s identity, providing false surveys answers, or creating false surveys in an effort to gain rewards.

What are the Risks of Survey Fraud?

Survey Fraud can lead to serious consequences if caught. If you are caught performing survey fraud on our platform, your account will be banned and any rewards or bonuses that you received will be immediately revoked. In addition, you may be subject to legal action or prosecution. It is important to note that survey fraud can lead to serious civil or criminal penalties.


We are committed to preventing fraudulent behaviour on our platform and protecting our clients and our users. All users must abide by our survey fraud policy and any user who violates this policy is subject to the consequences outlined. It is important to be honest and transparent when taking surveys, so that the survey process is accurate and reliable for our clients.

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