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On Air: Expose content to API
Glenn avatar
Written by Glenn
Updated over 4 years ago

TinkerList provides the possible to share your content/scripts across multiple devices. To realize that, the content has to be exposed to the API. The content that can be exposed to the API has to be either in a script or a folder.

In this example, we will expose the script ‘Episode 1’.

Step 1. Click on the 3-dot icon (or right-click) of the script you want to expose.

Step 2. In the overflow menu select the option ‘On Air’.

Step 3. Now the script is exposed! You can identify if a script or folder is on air by the red dot.

Step 4. To get the link of the API and share the exposed content, click on the Project Settings icon (wheel icon) and then click on the ‘Get API link’ option.

Step 5. Select and copy the API link.

You are now ready to share your content through the API!

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