User collaboration

How to communicate with other project members

Charlotte de Roey avatar
Written by Charlotte de Roey
Updated over a week ago


Inside your TinkerList project, you will see a grey circle with a number inside on the top right of your screen .

If you click this circle, you will see a list of online users appear; 

You can also search for a colleague at the top. Click on a person's name to chat with. Hi there! You are not the only one working at the moment, huray!

Only when a member is online, they will receive a chat notification. Notifications are not being sent to your mobile phone or mailbox.

Remember: whenever you close your browser or log out, the chat history is deleted - and so are the funny cat pictures you've shared.

Mention someone via comments

Is your colleague offline and you'd like to inform them about something in TinkerList? Try mentioning them in a comment so they will receive an email notification.

  1. Go to the card you'd like to comment about. This can be in a list or a script.

  2. Find the Comment button next to the card

  3. Type '@", followed by the name of the user(s) you want to mention. If you want to mention everyone in the project, type @everyone 

  4. Select the right user(s) and type your message. Hit SEND to send the message.

  5. An email is now sent to the mentioned user(s) with your message and a direct link to the card.

See who is editing the card

When you are typing together in a card, you will see the cursor of the other users in a color. When hovering over this cursor, the name of your colleague will appear.

Next to that, you will see a grey circle next to the card with the initials of the colleague who is editing the card.

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