To structure the content in TinkerList, you can use annotations. These annotations are labels you can put on cards so you can easily search and filter through the project.
Creating these annotations is rather easy, by defining different categories and picking custom colors and icons.
You can find the annotations edit module inside the settings menu on the top right of the side bar. Don't see the gear icon? You're probably don't have the rights to access this menu since this is an admin only feature.
How to create a new annotation?
Adding a new category
Annotations are divided in different categories to keep overview.
Go to Edit annotations in the settings menu
Click NEW CATEGORY and enter a title
You can start adding new annotations new by hitting the plus-sign next to the category's title. You will see an empty box appear inside the category.
Pick a background color. To access more custom colors, hit +CHOOSE
Assign text (max. 2 characters) or an icon to the annotation
To easily filter the list of annotations, hit control/CMD+F to search in the list
Pick the text color
Fill out the info field to explain what this annotation is about. This info is shown on hover in the platform.
When you're finished adding new categories and/or new annotations, make sure to hit SAVE.
Inside an existing category
Hit the plus-sign next to the category's title
Pick a background color. To access more custom colors, hit +CHOOSE
Assign text (max. 2 characters) or an icon to the annotation
To easily filter the list of annotations, hit control/CMD+F to search in the list
Pick the text color
Fill out the info field to explain what this annotation is about. This info is shown on hover in the platform.
When you're finished adding new annotations, make sure to hit SAVE.
How to edit or delete an annotation?
Go to the Annotations management menu
Click the annotation you wish to edit
Make the necessary changes and hit SAVE
Go to the Annotations management menu
Click the annotation you wish to edit
Make the necessary changes and hit SAVE
How to edit or delete a category?
Go to the Annotations management menu
Click the title of the category you wish to edit
Make the necessary changes and hit SAVE
Go to the Annotations management menu
Click the trash button next to the category you wish to delete