Activity details on examination format

How to get more information on exams

Eva Tjitske Jansen avatar
Written by Eva Tjitske Jansen
Updated over a week ago

If you want to get more reporting into the results of the examination format, take a look at this article.

You can see:

  • How many attempts someone has made

  • How successful those attempts were (both in whether or not achieved, and in percentage)

  • When someone has made attempts

A short explanation

Step 1. In Control go to Content > activities

Step 2. Search for the examination activity that you are interested in

Step 3. Click on the activity and navigate to the 'Reporting' tab

What do you see?

If you click on the 'Reporting' tab, you can see general statistics about the activity:

  • The number of learners with access to this content

  • The number of learners who completed this activity

  • The number of learners who started it but haven't finished it yet

  • Those with access to the activity but with no demonstrable progress yet

If you scroll down, you can see a list of users and details about their progress. Here you can search for specific users and filter results by selecting a certain group or switching between the different categories (e.g. 'Learners with access'; 'Completed' etc.).

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