Multiple Choice (MPC) Overview

Overview of the different MPC Templates

Eva Tjitske Jansen avatar
Written by Eva Tjitske Jansen
Updated over a week ago

There are 15 types of multiple choice questions that have been divided into six templates in the content builder. The reason for these six templates is to minimise the confusion regarding the fields when writing content while at the same time trying to limit the amount of templates. Multiple MPC question types have been bundled into one template if the input fields for these questions are practically the same (even if the output looks different).

When we talk about multiple choice questions we are talking about the following:

  • All questions with two or more predefined answering options.

  • Questions where you can only select one option (single-select) as well as the ones where you can choose more than one (multi-select).

Each question has a title, (optional) image, (optional) description and question text, but may differ in the following:

Type of answer options

  • Text only

  • Image only

  • Image + text

Types of feedback

  • Generic feedback

  • Right/wrong feedback

  • Feedback per option

When making combinations of all elements, including the fact that you can have multi-select as well as single-select questions, you end up with 15 types of MPC questions (see first table below). Please note that it is not possible to give feedback per option for multi-select questions and that they are therefore greyed out.

To limit the amount of templates in the content builder, multiple types have been bundled into one template. For example, single-select and multi-select questions have been combined into one, because you only need to tick a box saying ‘multi-select’ if the question is multi-select. All other input fields are the same as the single-select version.

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