Permissions guide

Guide to user permissions in Control and which features they affect.

Sila avatar
Written by Sila
Updated over a week ago

Contents of this article:

Different permissions explained

This is an explanations of all the permissions we have currently on the platform.

  • Access Control of this platform (only for admins)

    • feature(s) affected: Control > Groups > Admins
      Used to grant access to Control for sub admins. Needs to be combined with other admin permissions such as View members or Manage members.

  • Import users (only for admins)

    • feature(s) affected: Control > Groups > Admins
      Used to grant access to Users> Import users for sub admins.

      The user can import users to the platform with an xlsx sheet containing user data. Needs to be combined with the View members or Manage members permission.

  • Can add event

    • feature(s) affected: Growth platform > Sessions
      Lets hosts create events in Sessions.

  • Manage events

    • feature(s) affected: Growth platform > Sessions
      Lets hosts edit and manage events in Sessions. Please note that hosts cannot add/remove attendees through Control. Only admins can do this.

  • Manage invites (only for admins)

    • feature(s) affected: Control > Groups > Admins
      Used to grant access to Users > Invitations for sub admins.

      The user can send platform invitations, send reminders and delete them.
      More info here

  • Manage members (only for admins)

    • feature(s) affected: Control > Groups > Admins
      Used to grant access to Users and Groups for sub admins.

      The sub admin can edit user details in Control > Users.

      The sub admin can move people between their groups in Control > Groups > Groups.
      More info here

  • Manage statuses for this and all underlying groups

    • feature(s) affected: Growth platform > Timeline
      The user can edit and delete other users' posts in this group's Timeline.

  • Post status update in this group

    • feature(s) affected: Growth platform > Timeline
      The user can post and comment in this group's Timeline.
      More info here

  • Reporting

    • feature(s) affected: Growth platform > Manager reporting
      Lets managers view the details and monitor progress for members of their specified target groups in Growth platform > Manager reporting. Needs to be combined with the View members permission.

    • feature(s) affected: Growth platform > Manager reporting > Buddy

      Allows Managers to access the Buddy feature.

  • View Members

    • feature(s) affected: Control > Groups > Admins
      Used to grant access to Users for sub admins.

      The sub admin can view the members of the specified target groups in Users > Users. The user cannot take action on the users, e.g. edit a user's last name or add permissions.

    • feature(s) affected: Growth platform > Manager reporting

      Lets managers view the details and monitor progress for members of their specified target groups in Growth platform > Manager reporting. Needs to be combined with the Reporting permission.

    • feature(s) affected: Growth platform > Sessions
      This permissions should be granted to allow Session hosts to manage the attendees of a Session.
      More info here

Permissions for single users

  • Go to Users in Control

  • Click on the user that you want to grant permissions to

  • Click on the menu button in the top right and choose Add permissions

  • Select the permission that you want to add for this user.

  • Some permissions require you to select at least one target group. In this example it means that the user can only manage members for the selected target groups and not for other groups on the platform. Select one or multiple target groups and click Add permission.

  • Click on the Permissions tab of the user and you will see the new permissions in the list. Here you can also remove permissions.

Permissions for groups

  • Go to Groups in Control

  • Click on the group that you want to grant permissions to

  • Click on the Permissions tab

  • Click Add user permissions

  • Select the permission that you want to add for this group.

  • Some permissions require you to select at least one target group. In this example it means that this group of managers can only manage members for the selected target groups and not for other groups on the platform. Select one or multiple target groups and click Add permission.

Grant permissions to multiple groups

You can also grant permissions to multiple groups at the same time.

  • Go to Groups in Control

  • Tick the checkbox for the groups that you want to grant permissions to.

    • PLEASE NOTE: If a group has one or more sub groups it is not necessary to select all the sub groups. All the permissions will be automatically passed onto the sub groups. Scroll down to see an explanation about permissions inheritance.

  • An options button (with the three dots) appears above the groups. Click on this button and choose Add permissions

Inheritance of permissions

Permissions can be inherited in several ways.

  • If a permission is added to a group (i.e. 'parent group') that has several sub groups, the permission will be automatically passed onto the sub groups.

  • If a permission is added to a group, the permission will be automatically passed onto the members of that group.

This also means that if the permission is removed from the (parent) group, it is automatically removed from the sub groups and/or its members.

For groups, you can see a permission is inherited if the source of the permission is different than the group that you're viewing. In the below screenshot the group Trainer is a sub group of the parent group Roles. In this case the permissions were granted to the Roles group and passed onto the Trainer group.

For individual users, you can see a permission is inherited because the permission appears under Inherited group permissions.

For group permissions, if the source of a permission is Current group, this means the permission has not been inherited but was added to the group directly.

The below example shows that the same permissions were added to the sub group as well as the parent group. This could happen if you grant permissions to multiple groups and accidentally select the parent group as well as the sub groups. The 'direct permissions' can be recognised with Source: Current group and the inherited permissions with Source: Roles.

You can see that the direct permissions can be removed, but the ones from the parent group need to be removed through the parent group. Also, if the permissions are removed from the parent group, it will only remove the inherited permissions from the sub group but not the direct permissions.

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