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Learn how to set up programmes

Sila avatar
Written by Sila
Updated over a week ago

Programmes allow you to create cohesive, goal-driven experiences. By organising content into programmes, you provide learners with a more structured path, guiding them through their development with clear objectives.

How to create Programmes

Step 1: In TinQwise Control, navigate to Content > Programmes.

Step 2: Click on the plus icon to create a custom programme. Enter the title and the topics that you'll cover in this programme.

Step 3: Each topic you enter will automatically create a section within the programme. You can easily add new sections, or edit and remove existing ones using the index on the left.

Step 4: To add content, click on the plus icon within a section. You can choose to include existing activities or create new ones.

Step 5: If needed, you can also add subsections to further organise your programme.

Step 6: Navigate to the Settings tab to customize your programme details. Here’s what you can adjust:

  • Content ID: A unique identifier for the programme, visible only to admins, making it easier to locate in Control.

  • Programme Title: The name of the programme as it will appear to learners. For a clean layout, keep it under 40 characters.

  • Programme Description: A brief description displayed below the title (recommended max: 140 characters).

  • Group: Link your programme to a group. You can save without linking if no groups have been set up yet.

  • Social Presence: Check this box to allow learners to see the progress of others within the programme. This adds a sense of shared experience and motivation.

Step 7: When everything is set up, click the publish button in the top right corner to make your programme available to learners.

To increase the visibility of your programme, consider adding it to a programmes widget in your learners' stream.

Set up programme groups

Programme groups allow you to organise and manage your programmes more effectively. Once you’ve created your first programme, the 'Programme group' type will automatically become available on your platform. Each programme should be linked to one of these groups, and we recommend creating a dedicated programme group for each programme.


  • For instance, if you have a programme called "The Best Internship in Retail," you could link it to a group named "Internship Retail."

How to Create a Programme Group

Step 1: Go to the Groups section in TinQwise Control.

Step 2: Create a new group, naming it after your programme or its purpose. For example, "Internship Operations" or "Onboarding Managers."

Step 3: Under Group Type, select Programme group.

Step 4: Save the group.

Step 5: (Optional) If you have many programme groups, consider organising them under a parent group, such as "Programmes" or "Programme Groups," to make them easier to find later.

Linking Your Programme to a Group

Now that you’ve created your programme group, it’s time to link it to your programme.

Step 1: Navigate back to the Settings tab of your programme.

Step 2: In the Group dropdown menu, you’ll see only groups of the 'Programme group' type. Select the appropriate group to link to your programme.

Everyone added to a programme group can access the programme as soon as it's published. You can automate this by creating automations that place users in programme groups based on certain conditions.

Add users to a programme group

You can either manually add users to a programme group, or create an automation that adds users to the group based on certain conditions. Below are two examples of automations.

Step 1: Go to Behaviour > Automations.

Step 2: Click the Create automation button.

Step 3: Give your automation a name.

Step 4: Under Select type of event pick Check periodically.

Step 5: Add a new Condition:

Depending on how you want to combine conditions, pick And, Or or Use only one condition.

  • You can select the User-specific time condition

    • Under How to compare? select Compare with current time

    • Under User specific time field, select Contract start date of user

    • Under Start of timespan, add 10d before

    • Under End of timespan, add 60d after

    • Save your condition

  • You can select the Is group condition.

    • Under Group, select the group that you want to automatically add to the programme group.

    • Save your condition.

Step 6: Add a new Action called Add user to groups.

  • If you cannot find this action in the list, you should first enable the Group membership events (ECA) feature via the feature list (

Step 7: Save the action.

Step 8: Save the automation.

☝ Please note: Once a programme is unlocked for users, they are added to the programme group and they will not be removed. If you want to lock a programme for users they need to be removed from the programme group. To do this, create another automation with a 'Remove user from group' action or unpublish your programme.

Set up programme widgets

The Programmes widget allows you to manage and display programmes just like any other activity on the platform. This feature enhances your control over the learning design, making it easier for learners to track their progress.

Step 1: Creating programme widgets is an essential step when setting up programmes. Before creating a widget, ensure you’ve completed the following:

  • Created a programme

  • Set up programme groups

  • Added journeys to your programme

Step 2: Navigate to Behaviour > Stream in TinQwise Control. Click the '+' sign to open the widget selection window.

Step 3: From the window that opens, select the Programmes widget. Then, customize your widget with the following options:

  • Name: Give your widget a unique name. This name is for administrative purposes only and will not be visible to users.

  • Header: Add a header title that will be displayed above the programmes in the widget, visible to users.

  • Programmes: (Optional) If you wish to control the order in which programmes appear, you can specify that here. If you leave this section empty, all programmes a user has access to will be displayed automatically.

    • The Programmes widget is designed to help learners focus on their progress. If you leave the programme field empty, the programme they started first will be displayed at the top, followed by other programmes they have access to.

Good to know 👀

  • Automatic Programme Automation:
    Once you create a programme and link it to a programme group, an associated automation is automatically generated. This automation unlocks all sections, and activities for that programme group. These automations are labeled as "Programme [identifier]" and are essential for the seamless operation of your programmes, so it's recommended to leave them as they are.

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