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Release notes S22.19 🚀

Release notes on Wednesday 25.05.2022

Lena Wesselink avatar
Written by Lena Wesselink
Updated over a week ago

Ready for a new release? This time we have some time-saving features in store for you. The platform team worked on making LXP even more efficient and user-friendly.


Improved in-app reporting

In-app reporting for managers has gotten some sweet updates to improve your speed in managing your team members!

  • Tabs load a lot quicker. Check it out!

  • Filter settings are saved when switching tabs.

  • The user profile only shows skills the user has access to.

  • The user profile shows modules with budget after the user purchased them.

LXP Control

📊 Access more LXP data from any business intelligence tool

Three new data fields were added to the module API: module identifier, module type, and module duration. Please note that these fields are not (yet) available in the progression export via Control. This is picked up from Sprint 23 onwards.

⏩ Duplicate conditions or actions

Duplicating automations was received with great enthusiasm. We went one step further: you can now duplicate within an automation. This means that you can duplicate both conditions AND actions when creating or updating automations.

This makes the editing process a lot faster when you want to add a lot of similar conditions or actions. When duplicating, the editor will automatically open for quick adjustments🔥

🔍 Remember filtered search results

Last but definitely not least. When using a search function in LXP Control, it will now remember your search filters when opening a search result. Try it out yourself! Simply go back to the previous page by using your browser’s back button and you'll be sent right back to where you left! Happy browsing!

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