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Social challenge format

Content guideline for the Social challenge Format

Emil de Valk avatar
Written by Emil de Valk
Updated over a week ago

The social challenge helps the user to practice skills or a task in real life. This format consists of an intro, an upload question & exercise and a short reflection survey. This activity format has no underlying templates.


Content ID*

A unique identifier for the activity. Only shown in the Content Builder.

Social challenge intro

  • Title (text only)* = This is the activity title shown within the activity, as well as on the activity tile and spotlighted activity (if applicable).

  • Image* = Image uploader for JPG, PNG, GIF. Shown within the activity as well as on the activity tile and spotlighted activity (if applicable).

  • Checkbox: Hide the image overlay = The image has a dark overlay to increase visibility of the close button. Disabling this checkbox will disable the overlay.

  • Duration (number) = Estimated duration of the challenge in minutes. Shown on the activity tile.

  • Text (rich text)* = A descriptive text that is shown in the top of the intro, supports bold and italic texts.

  • Subheading (text only)* = The subheading of the challenge. Shown in the bottom of the intro.

  • Subtext (rich text)* = A body text that supports bulleted or numbered lists, hyperlinks, bold and italic texts.

  • Related content = Here you can select one or more pages/activities that are related to this challenge.


  • Heading (text only)* = A title text for the upload exercise.

  • Text (rich text)* = A descriptive text that is shown in the top of the intro, supports bold and italic texts.

Upload file

Here you can define what type of file a user can upload.

  • Title (text only) = The name of the upload exercise as it will be shown in reporting.

  • Checkbox: Allow document files = Let the user upload a file in the formats .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt., .pptx, .xlsx, .xls

  • Checkbox: Allow image files = Let the user upload an image in formats like .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif

  • Checkbox: Allow video files = Let the user upload an image in formats like .mp4, .mov, .avi.

Any checked filetype will add the options to what a user can upload. Checking multiple boxes allows for a mix of filetypes. So, if you want to restrict the learner in only uploading images, then only check the "Allow image files" checkbox.


  • Text (rich text)* = A body text that supports bulleted or numbered lists, hyperlinks, bold and italic texts.

  • Heading (text only)* = Title for the survey

  • Questions* = Here you can add one or more survey questions, you can choose from open questions and range sliders.

  • Range slider = You can ask the user to score something, or give their answer based on a certain range (e.g. ‘horrible —> awesome’ or ‘not at all —> very much’) through a range slider question.

  • Question (text only)* = The question text. Used for analytic purpose and shown to the learner.

  • Min / Max (number)* = The min and max number indicate the size of the range. E.g. 0 to 100, depending on how finely distributed your range sections need to be (see below).

  • Step size (number) = Determine the step size for when the slider slides across the range. E.g. a step size of 5 on a range from 0 to 100 results in 20 steps.

  • Range sections = Here you can indicate the amount of sections the range should be divided into. Each range slider should have a t least two sections. Per section you need to define:

    • Label (text only)* = A label for the section, e.g. ‘not at all’ or ‘very much’.

    • Start / End (number)* = The start and end number should lie between the min/max of the range slider. So if the range slider is 0 to 100, the start/end of the first section could be 1-25, the second 26-50, etc.

  • Open question = Here you can add an open question about the challenge.

  • Question (text only)* = The question text. Used for analytic purposes and shown to the learner.

  • Placeholder (text only) = Add a placeholder for the input field, such as ‘Write your feedback here’.

End screen

  • Image = Image uploader for JPG, PNG, GIF.

  • Checkbox: Hide the image overlay = The image has a dark overlay to increase readability of the text. Disabling this checkbox will disable the overlay. Please note that disabling this might reduce readability.

  • Heading (text only) = A title that is shown to the user.

  • Text (rich text) = A text that supports bold and italic texts.

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