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How to Resolve Cutter Compensation Errors on Tormach Machine Tools
How to Resolve Cutter Compensation Errors on Tormach Machine Tools

Solutions for the "length of cutter compensation entry move is not greater than the tool radius" error in PathPilot.

Nicole Spittler avatar
Written by Nicole Spittler
Updated over a week ago

The PathPilot error message "length of cutter compensation entry move is not greater than the tool radius" tells us there's an issue with the toolpath entry move associated with cutter compensation in your NC program. Follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

  1. Explanation:

    • Cutter compensation, often controlled by G41 (left compensation) or G42 (right compensation) codes, requires a certain minimum entry move length before it engages. This entry move is crucial for the control system to accurately apply the compensation based on the tool's geometry.

  2. Possible Causes:

    • Your CAM program might be generating a toolpath where the initial move into the material is too short, and the compensation cannot be correctly applied.

  3. Potential Solutions:

    • Adjust Entry Move:

      • Increase the length of the entry move in your CAM settings. Look for parameters related to entry moves or lead-ins and make sure they are sufficient to allow for proper cutter compensation.

    • Check Tool Information:

      • Verify that the tool data, especially the tool diameter and compensation values, are correctly set in your tool library or tool definition.

    • Modify Toolpath Strategy:

      • Depending on your CAM software, you might have control over the toolpath strategy. Experiment with different toolpath options to see if another strategy avoids the error. The “length of cutter compensation entry move is not greater than the tool radius” error indicates that the lead in radius and/or linear lead in must be set to a number that is greater than the tool radius.

    • Simulation and Visualization:

      • Use the simulation feature in your CAM software to visually inspect the toolpath. Pay attention to the entry moves and ensure they are adequate for proper cutter compensation.

    • Review Documentation:

      • Consult the documentation for both your CAM software (Fusion 360 in this case) and your Tormach machine. There might be specific recommendations or settings that need adjustment.

  4. Contact Support:

    • If the issue persists, consider reaching out to Tormach support or the Fusion 360 community forums. They can provide more specific guidance based on the details of your setup.

Remember to save a backup of your program before making changes, and test any adjustments in a controlled manner to ensure they work as expected.

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