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How to delete a Team

Learn how to delete a Team when you manage multiple Teams

Suellen Lorga avatar
Written by Suellen Lorga
Updated over a month ago

Users with more than one Team can now delete individual Teams πŸ› οΈ


  • Click on the team, then click the "Delete Team" button in the top-right corner of the page to delete it πŸ‘‡

  • Another way to delete a team is by clicking Admin Controls and scrolling to the bottom of the page to find the red Delete Team button πŸ‘‡

When can a Team be deleted?

There are certain situations where deleting a Team is not possible. The following conditions must be met for a Team to be deleted:

  • A Team can only be deleted if there is more than one Team.

  • A Team can only be deleted if the Billing Group Admin is the only member of that Team.

  • A Team can only be deleted if all members are Billing Group Admins.

What happens with the meetings that are shared with the deleted Team?

  • When deleting the Team, you can choose to transfer those meetings to another Team or to yourself:

Please note: Only Billing Group Admins can delete Teams πŸ˜‰

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