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Can I share my login?

Can I download, save, or share workshop content?

Belle Abbott avatar
Written by Belle Abbott
Updated over a week ago

TBM's Content Privacy Policy

All purchases of TBM content, including a la carte workshops and Pathway memberships, are meant to only be viewed by the purchaser and cannot be shared with others. Sharing of login credentials is strictly prohibited and as a company we track IP addresses, login history & location, and profile history for suspected breaches of this policy. All purchased content including written, video, & audio is only available to view by logging in with your registered account credentials and cannot be copied or downloaded to a personal device for viewing or listening offline.

Upon purchase all customers acknowledge that they have denied the right to facilitate the use of the workshop material in private one-to-one sessions, either professionally or personally, with clients or others, for monetary gain or otherwise.

Additionally, purchasers agree not to teach the workshop content to others in any way, to groups or individuals, professionally or otherwise, for monetary gain or otherwise. Purchasers further agree not to post any text or video presentations of To Be Magnetic material, or demonstrations on the internet, or other electronic media.

Violations of this policy are considered unlawful and TBM reserves the right to take legal action in cases of misconduct.

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