This article is for:
๐ข Business owners who manage multiple organizations on Tola
๐งฎ Accountants who manage multiple clients on Tola
The "All organizations" dashboard is available to users who belong to multiple organizations on Tola.
The dashboard provides the following information across all your organizations at a glance:
Onboarding - the organization's progress through the onboarding process (including KYB and bank accounts setup)
Todo - easy access to a list of bills and invoices that require approval or payment
Accounting - see which accounting software the organization is connected to, or quickly set up a new connection
Financing - a summary of available financing
Members - view and change who has access to the organization
Actions - export statements from Tola for assisted reconciliation
Access to the dashboard
You can access the dashboard immediately after signing, or from within any organization by selecting the "All organizations" option
After signing in
or choose "All organizations" from the dropdown
Please contact with any questions and we will be happy to help.